The Constructor

How to Choose the Right Grout Color for Tiles?

How to Choose the Right Grout Color for Tiles?

How to Choose the Right Grout Color for Tiles?

Reading time: 1 minute

The selection of grout color for tiles is as important as choosing the tile design. Grout color affects the overall design of the tile floor and the daily maintenance requirements.

Figure-1: Dark Color Grout for Patterned Tiles

Before choosing the grout, decide whether the grout color must match, complement or be in contrast to the tile. The selection of a light color grout demands frequent cleaning and maintenance. A darker color is subjected to efflorescence that also requires cleaning and removal. 

Some of the tile grout considerations for choosing grout colors are discussed below.

Considerations for Choosing Tile Grout Color

1. Choosing a Grout Lighter or Darker Than Tile

A contrasting grout color can highlight the design patterns made by the tiles. However, if the intention is to give the tiles a continuous and unified look, a close match or a lighter tile color is chosen. Matching the grout color with tile color makes a small space appear large.

Figure-2: Blue Textured Tile Matching with Blue Color Grout

A darker color grout can be chosen to highlight the color of the tile.

Figure-3: White Color Grout Highlights the Colorful Tile

2. Grout Color for Patterned Tiles

When the tiles have a pattern of their own, a neutral grout color and thinner grout lines are used.

3. Grout Color to Match with Surrounding Interior

The tile color chosen must complement the surrounding interior décor. However, it should not overlook the rest of the interior. Always choose the grout color considering the rest of the interior to determine whether it matches the space.

4. Grout Color for Multicolored Tiles

5. Different Tiles in One Space


Which grout color is best for patterned tiles?

When the tiles have a pattern of their own, a neutral grout color and thinner grout lines are used.

How to choose between dark and light color grout?

A contrasting grout color can highlight the design patterns made by the tiles. However, if the intention is to give the tiles a continuous and unified look, a close match or a lighter tile color is chosen. Matching the grout color with tile color makes a small space appear large.

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