The Constructor

Metal Studs and Wood Studs for Wall Framing

Metal And Wood Studs For Wall Framing

Metal And Wood Studs For Wall Framing

Reading time: 1 minute

Studs are light frames constructed to support wall structures. They are an important element in traditional building construction as they provide a bridging point for the interior and exterior parts of the wall. 

Studs for wall framing can be constructed either using metal or wood. Both have their pros and cons, and their choice is purely dependent on the situation and the client’s requirements.

This article enlists the advantages and disadvantages of metal and wood stud framing for traditional wall construction.

Wood Stud Framing For Wall Construction

Wood studs are strong and easy to install. In the United States and Canada, wood is the prevalent material used for stud framing. However, the wood used must be properly seasoned and dried before using it for the construction of studs.

Figure-1: Wood Studs For Wall Construction

Advantages of Wood Studs

  1. Wood studs are readily available.
  2. Wood studs can be recycled and used to construct new wall frames.
  3. The manufacturing and transportation of wall studs require less energy than that of steel studs.
  4. The recycling of wood produces less greenhouse gases compared to steel recycling.
  5. The repair of wood studs is easy and economical.
  6. Wood studs are affordable compared to steel studs.

Disadvantages of Wood Studs

  1. The construction of disaster-resistant buildings using wood costs higher than standard wood stud construction.
  2. Wood is a combustible material, which cannot be used for fire-resistant structures.
  3. Wood studs can be affected by termites, affecting the overall durability.
  4. Proper treatment and maintenance of wood studs require professional expertise.
  5. It is prone to moisture accumulation and can result in molds, which is unhealthy for the occupants. It can even degrade the structure with time.

Metal Stud Framing 

Metal studs are lighter and cost 30 percent more than wood studs. They come in varied dimensions and sizes. Metal studs are fastened at the top and bottom to special tracks to hold them together.

Figure-2: Steel Studs For Wall Construction

Advantages Of Steel Studs 

  1. Metal stud frames are not affected by moisture and humidity. Hence, they do not warp or curl and remain straight for longer.
  2. Metal studs are hollow and lightweight, allowing easy transportation and installation.
  3. They are not affected by termites.
  4. Metal studs can be recycled.
  5. They do not emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

Disadvantages Of Metal Studs

  1. Metal stud frames cost more than wood studs.
  2. Cutting metals to the desired shape is difficult and hazardous, which requires professional skill and utmost safety.
  3. Though metals are non-combustible, they are prone to buckling and collapse at higher temperatures during fire.
  4. Metal studs are good conductors of heat and hence pose a risk of fire.
  5. Metal studs cause thermal bridging, resulting in higher energy loss. To avoid thermal bridging, metal studs require additional insulation that increases the cost.


What are studs?

Studs are light frames constructed to support wall structures. They are an important element in traditional building construction as they provide a bridging point for the interior and exterior parts of the wall.

What are the disadvantages of wood stud framing?

Wood is a combustible material that cannot be used for fire-resistant structures. In addition, its durability is affected by termite attack, moisture accumulation, and molds.

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