The Constructor

What is U-Value of a Building Component?

U Values

U Values

Reading time: 1 minute

The U-value of a building component measures the energy (heat) lost through a square meter of the material for every degree difference in temperature between the inside and the outside environment. Technically, U-value measures the thermal transmittance of material in W/m虏路K (Watts-per-meter-square-kelvin).

U-Values for Different Glasses

The U-value of a building component represents how effectively it behaves as an insulator by controlling heat transfer from the inside to the outside, thereby reducing energy loss. The building component may be a homogeneous material like concrete or a combination of materials like a cavity wall.聽

A better U-value of the building element demands less energy to maintain comfortable conditions inside the building.聽

This article describes the features of the U-value and its calculation for building components.

Features of U-value

Calculation of Thermal Transmittance or U-Value

The general formula for calculating U-value is:聽

U = 1/Rt


U = Thermal transmittance in (W/m虏路K)

Rt = Total thermal resistance of the elements composing the material in m虏路K/W.聽

If a building component has an interior surface, an exterior surface, and individual layers of material between them, then the thermal resistance Rt of the whole material is given by:

Rt = Ri +聽R1 + R2+ R3+...Rn + Re


Rsi = Thermal resistance of the interior surface

R1, R2鈥n = Thermal resistance of individual layers in between

Rso = Thermal resistance of the exterior surface

Thermal Resistance for a Building Element- Summing R-value of individual layers

The thermal resistance of individual layers is obtained by the formula:

R= D/位


D = Thickness of the material in meters (m)

位 = Thermal conductivity of the material in W/Km

Hence, from the formula, thermal transmittance is inversely proportional to thermal resistance. The greater the thermal resistance of the building material, the lower its U-value, and hence reduced heat loss.


What is U-value?

The U-value of a building component measures the energy (heat) lost through a square meter of the material for every degree difference in temperature between the inside and the outside environment.

What is the importance of the U-value?

The U-value of a building component represents how effectively it behaves as an insulator by controlling heat transfer from the inside to the outside, thereby reducing energy loss. The lower the U-value of a building component, the slower the heat transmittance and better its performance as an insulator.聽

How to calculate the U-value of a material?

The general formula for calculating U-value is聽
U = 1/Rt
U = Thermal transmittance in (W/m虏路K)
Rt = Total thermal resistance of the elements composing the material in m虏路K/W.聽

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