The Constructor

What is Considerate Constructors Scheme (CCS)?

Considerate Constructors Scheme

Considerate Constructors Scheme

Reading time: 1 minute

The Considerate Constructors Scheme (CCS) was founded in 1997 as a non-profit, independent organization. The scheme was implemented in order to improve the public perception of the construction industry as a whole.

The scheme is for construction sites, companies, and suppliers operating within the UK and Ireland. Though it doesn’t require signing up, sites and businesses do so to receive a nationally recognized membership that is sought by major contractors and government agencies. 

If the site you're working on is part of the CCS, you'll notice higher standards, a comprehensive health and safety plan, and a culture that values the local community.

As a member of the CCS, a construction company is more likely to be considered for a project.

How to Apply for CCS?

There are three types of CCS registrations, depending on the nature of your company and the work that you will be doing. Sites, businesses, and suppliers can all become members of the scheme, but different criteria must be met for each entity.

Construction Sites: All construction sites are eligible for registration if they will be open for at least six weeks. If the duration of the site is less than six weeks, they can still be considered if they register for the scheme prior to the start of work.

Companies: Construction firms of all sizes are welcome to register. The registration can cover all sites or projects, regardless of their duration, depending on the annual turnover.

Suppliers: The scheme is open to any company that supplies goods and materials to construction sites. Suppliers are recognized as valuable contributors to construction sites and bear the same level of responsibility when it comes to public perception.

You can locate all the CCS-registered construction activity across the UK and Ireland on the map below:

What are the Codes of Considerate Practice?

The code specifies the procedures that your construction site or company must follow. We've outlined the five key components of the code and provided some pointers to help you succeed.

1. The natural environment

It is your responsibility to consider the local environment and take steps to ensure that your work does not harm it in any way. You can improve relations by demonstrating to the community that you have taken steps to protect local wildlife and vegetation. You'll be expected to reduce waste and evaluate your carbon footprint.

Reduce air, light, noise, and vibration pollution, wherever possible. This will lessen your environmental impact and keep members of the community happy.

2. Be considerate of the community

You should be aware of the impact your site is having on the local community at all times. Houses nearby should be informed of the work being done and given advance notice of anything that may affect them significantly, such as noise issues, temporary traffic lights, and parking issues.

Tip: One of the most common problems that locals have with construction sites is parking and highway work. Major deliveries should be scheduled during off-peak hours to avoid taking up parking space.

3. Highly valued workforce

To follow the Code of Considerate Practice, you must ensure that your employees feel valued when they are on the job. All employees should be treated fairly and with respect. This helps to foster a positive culture within the organization, which leads to better overall service.

Provide regular training sessions so that employees can push themselves and learn new skills. Hold individual and team meetings to engage with your team and learn about the problems they face on a daily basis.

4. Security

It is your responsibility to keep workers, visitors, and the general public safe at all times. You should have safety procedures in place, and they must be constantly updated and adapted to deal with new issues.

Tip: Conduct risk assessments to identify the major hazards that workers and visitors face. To reduce accidents, take steps to eliminate these issues or provide health and safety equipment.

5. Physical appearance of the site

Something as simple as keeping the site clean can have a significant impact on the surrounding community. A well-kept and well-organized job site can reflect favorably on your company and the industry as a whole. Make sure your employees have dressed appropriately because they will be representing the company while traveling to and from work.

Keep your site neat and organized. When materials and equipment are not in use, make sure they are properly stored. If the local community considers your site to be an eyesore, consider erecting construction hoardings that can conceal the site.

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