The Constructor

Workability of Concrete by Kelly Ball Test

Kelly Ball Test

Kelly Ball Test

Reading time: 1 minute

Kelly ball test also called as a ball penetration test is performed on freshly mixed concrete to measure its workability. It is a quick simple field test and is considered as an alternative to the slump test. The test procedure of the kelly ball test, its advantages and drawbacks are explained in this article.

Kelly Ball Test Apparatus

The Kelly ball apparatus is as shown in fig 1. It consists of a metal ball which is in hemispherical shape and weighs about 13.6 kilograms (30 pounds). The diameter of the metal ball is about 15 cm (6 inches).

The flat end of the metal ball is attached to a graduated stem with handle. A frame is arranged between the ball and stem in such a way that the stem can slide through it when the ball moves vertically. The frame generally rests on the concrete surface during testing.

Fig 1: Kelly Ball Test Apparatus

Test Procedure of Kelly Ball Test

The test procedure of the Kelly ball workability test as follows.

Fig 2: Performing kelly Ball Test

Result for Kelly Ball Test

Workability of concrete = Ball penetration value = Average of all the readings obtained

Advantages of Kelly Ball Test

Advantages of the kelly ball workability test are as follows.

Drawbacks of Kelly Ball Test

Drawbacks of the kelly ball workability test are as follows.

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Also Read: Concrete Slump Test for Workability – Procedure and Results

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