The Constructor

Surveying for Construction of Irrigation Projects

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First step in construction of an irrigation project like dams, barrage or weir requires surveying of whole area. Surveying for an irrigation project is done to understand if the dams or other irrigation construction is required or not. The area should benefit to its larger extent when the completion of irrigation structure is done. So, survey is needed to conclude this.

Surveying for Construction of Irrigation Projects

The steps involved in surveying to build an irrigation structure are
  1. Examine the water availability
  2. Examine the topography
  3. Selection of site
  4. River gauging
  5. Marking of CCM
  6. Marking of tentative alignment
  7. Reconnaissance survey
  8. Preliminary survey
  9. Final location survey
  10. Final Survey Report

Examine Availability of Water

To construct an irrigation project whether it is a dam or weir or barrage, first and foremost observation should be the presence of water and its availability. The availability may be of different types, but proper examination is required before construction. Some important observations are:

Examine Topography

After investigating the water availability, topography map of the area is studied. This study is more useful when marking the tentative alignment for irrigation project. The behavior of agricultural lands are examined in this stage.

Selection of Construction Site

When plenty of water or major source of water is available then the location to construct an irrigation project is selected. The project may be dam or barrage or weir. The selection of site is done by considering the following points.

River Gauging

River gauging is measuring of water discharge at point. The point in this case where river gauging is conducted is the site selected for project. After river gauging following details are obtained:

Marking of CCM

CCM is the cultivable command area which is mainly fit for cultivation of crops. The area under this category should be marked on the topographic map. So, the construction should not disturb or damage this area and required demand discharge can also be known.

Marking of Tentative Alignment

After the selection of site for irrigation structure, it is time to select the tentative alignments for canals or branch canals. These alignments should be marked in topographical and contour maps. Marking should be done by following considerations.

Reconnaissance Survey of Irrigation Projects

After marking the tentative alignments, then reconnaissance survey is conducted for all the alignments. This survey provides the following details:

Preliminary Survey of Irrigation Projects

After completion of reconnaissance survey, a good alignment is selected, and they are allowed to conduct preliminary survey. Following steps are involved in this survey.

Final Location Survey

After preliminary survey, most economical alignment among all is selected and final location survey is conducted. In this final stage following steps are involved:

Final Survey Report of Irrigation Project

It is the last stage of the whole process and in this stage a report should be prepared with the details of final alignment. This report is submitted to higher authorities to get an approval for an irrigation project. And following maps are to be submitted along with the above. Read More: Strategic Construction Project Planning and Programming Criteria Professional Construction Management and its Benefits for Construction Projects Roles and Work of Surveyor in Construction Dams in the World and its Roles Underground Surveying Methods and Applications Surveying for New Railway Line Construction
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