The Constructor

Sidewalk Labs Launches Low-Cost Sensor to Eradicate Parking Woes

Pebble parking solution

Pebble parking solution

Reading time: 1 minute

Alphabet-owned Sidewalk Labs has launched a new sensor called “Pebble” to help manage city parking and curb availability using real-time data.

Pebble sensors can enable parking operators, real estate developers, and city agencies to determine parking space availability via a dashboard.

The sensors use real-time availability data in innovative and sustainable ways. The company claims the low-cost vehicle sensors are easy to install and privacy-preserving compared to existing parking availability technology.

Here’s how it works: The spherical sensors are peeled and placed on a surface using adhesive. These sensors relay information regarding the presence or absence of a vehicle in real-time.

The second part is the solar-powered gateway hardware, which is strapped to street poles and uses IoT to connect the sensor to the cloud through the cellular network. The generated data can be viewed and analyzed via a dashboard. 

What makes them unique is that the Pebbles sensors feature a low-infrastructure design with two sensing capabilities, providing more accuracy and reliability than existing street sensors.

The insights provided by Pebble can help analyze historical parking patterns so that operators can communicate space availability to customers, reduce circling, and create shared parking zones to minimize the number of spaces built in the first place.

The technology will help the passengers and operators and can be used to determine the availability of existing parking spaces, thus optimizing space utilization if the required number of parking spaces is already present.

Such sensors can gather information for the creation of shared parking zones which will solve the challenges around parking and land in metropolitan areas.


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