The Constructor

Methods to Install Natural Stone Cladding [PDF]

Methods to Install Natural Stone Cladding

Methods to Install Natural Stone Cladding

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The natural stone cladding can be installed mainly by two methods, namely the wet installation method and dry installation method. Both the ways have their pros and cons, whose application is based on the objective and the wall conditions.

The article explains both the methods along with their pros and cons.

Wet Installation of Natural Stone Cladding

The wet installation is the most commonly used method for natural stone cladding. The crucial decision is to select the best method from the variety of installation options given by the wet process. The wet method can be performed by the Direct Adhesion Method and Spot Bonding Method.

Stone Cladding Installation by Wet method

1. Direct Adhesion Installation for Natural Stone Cladding

Direct adhesion method is the most common wet met method employed. A wet method, by default, is considered a direct adhesion method. It makes use of a liquid latex combined with a cement-based filler powder to form cement mortar.

The mortar is applied to the surface in thin layers. The method does not demand onsite drilling. It is the cheapest method, among other installation methods.

2. Spot Bonding Installation for Natural Stone Cladding

Spot bonding makes use of adhesives to bond the stone cladding onto the wall surface. The difference between spot bonding and direct adhesion method is, the adhesive uses only 10 % of the area. This installation technique hence leaves gaps or air pockets between the stone and the wall. The gaps and air pockets created thus reduce the chances of water staining.

Advantages of Wet Method of Installation for Natural Stone Cladding

The main advantages of wet installation of cladding are:

Disadvantages of Wet Method of Installation for Natural Stone Cladding

Dry Method of Natural Stone Installation

In this method, fixed or embedded anchors, metal framing, steel brackets, or ties attach the stone to the surface. The method is applied only on thicker and stronger stone cladding, as the process requires drilling of a hole into the stone. This method demands a gap of ¾ inch to allow drainage.

Dry Mechanical Installation of Cladding; Image Source: Happho

Dry stone mechanical method is the best and safest way compared to wet cladding installation.  The process maintains a high level of accuracy while installing the stones.

The dry stone mechanical cladding system vary based on different factors like:

Advantages of Dry-stone cladding system

Disadvantages of Dry Installation method

FAQs on Natural Stone Cladding Installation

How to fix Natural Stone Cladding to the Wall Surface?

Natural stone cladding can be installed on the wall either by using a wet method or dry method. In wet method mortar mix of cement or adhesives are used. In the dry method, the stones are installed mechanically to the wall either by drilling and bolting or by arranging the stones on a metal frame system.

2. What are wet methods used to install stone cladding?

The natural stone cladding can be installed either by using a direct adhesion method, which uses cement mortar to stick the stone to the wall. The second method is pot bonding, which makes use of adhesives to stick the stones on to the surface.

3. What are the advantages of spot bonding over direct adhesion method?

The spot bonding consumes less area of the tile to apply adhesive. It allows to have air pockets behind the stones. These air pockets avoid the chances of water standing, unlike the direct adhesion method. The method also lets the stone to have higher chances to stick on the wall, compared to the direct adhesion method.

4. What is the significance of dry installation of natural stone cladding?

The dry stone method is the best and safest way compared to the wet process. The technique demands a gap of ¾ inch to allow drainage. It provides a higher level of accuracy.

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  1. Types of Wall Claddings
  2. Slate Tile Flooring - Features, Pros and Cons
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