The Constructor

Methods to Check Verticality of Structure during Building Construction

Reading time: 1 minute

Checking verticality works would encounter during building construction at several stages such as during installing vertical formworks of columns and transferring levels up successive floors of multi storey structures. Various methods which to control or check verticality works during building construction are discussed.


Fig.1: Verticality Works During Building Construction

Methods to Control Verticality of Structure during Building Construction

Methods used to check or control verticality works include:
  1. Plumb-bob technique
  2. Spirit level
  3. Theodolite
  4. Optical plummet

1. Plumb-Bob Technique

Plumb-bob as shown in Figure 2 consist of a weight with pointed tip on the bottom attached to end of a string. The heavy weight will hang under gravity and offer a precise vertical line which is called plumb line.

Fig.2: Plumb-Bob Tool

This method is applied for checking or controlling vertical line of structural elements especially indoors such as lift shaft. Added to that, it is used to control verticality of foundation, walls, and columns.

Fig.3: Checking Verticality of Structural Elements

Fig.4: Checking Verticality of Columns

The plumb line or vertical line of plumb-bob is influenced by wind force and it will lose its accuracy and precision. Small to moderate lateral movement of plumb-bob can be reduced satisfactorily by damping it in oil or water. If the height of structural member is large, then it is possible to replace the string with a long wire, but substantial cautions should be plasticized so as to avoid imposing risks to the personals working below.

2. Spirit Level Method

This tool is appropriate for controlling verticality of small scale works for example checking formworks and door frames. If spirit level is employed for approximate checks, then it is required to check the verticality with more accurate technique.

Fig.5: Spirit Level

3. Theodolite Method

Theodolite is substantially powerful instrument which can be used to check verticality works during construction with great precision and accuracy. It is suitable for checking or controlling verticality of towers as shown in Figure 8, wall, foundation and columns as shown in Figure 9; specifically large number of columns along a one grid line. It is possible to measure the slope of out of plumb line of the member by using Theodolite in combination with a tape. The procedure used to check column verticality includes:

Fig.6: Checking Verticality Using Theodolite

Fig.7: Checking Column Verticality Using Theodolite

4. Optical Plummet Method

It is an instrument that sight directly down or directly up. Optical plummet has an automatic compensator which increases its accuracy significantly compare with other methods used for controlling verticality.

Fig.8: Optical Plummet

Fig.9: Optical Plummet to Check Structure Verticality

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